Monday, March 9, 2009

Cherry Creek Bike Path Up at 11th

5 Miles (a little over that I think) today on Cherry Creek bike path got off the path at 11th and headed back to the Y. This is a shortcut to the normal path run, cutting a little over a half mile off it. I needed it today.
9 runners showed up for the run today, most in a while. It was cold for our noon run, Daylight Savings Time made it a little cooler than it would have been, but it was still in the 30's with some sun and some wind, but not bad. Shorts, long sleeve shirt and gloves.

I had a really blah run, I was still sore and tired from yesterday's tempo run. Can't figure out why that one hit me so hard. I was slow and breathing hard, can't remember the last time I was at the Colfax light and struggling some. Never did really relax and run, like I have been following a tough workout. It still beats working though. In hindsight I should have taken the day off running to recover instead of trying an easy recovery run. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. Probably no speed work, maybe a rest day.

My left eye was watering really badly although I took Claritin this morning (day 2).

Matt, Dave, George and myself did the run, the rest of the guys went to wash park, Jeff was going around the park for a long run.

5.25 Miles 42 minutes

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