Thursday, January 22, 2009

More Frustration

The plan was to do a middle 3 today.
Just Jay and myself, the others did Congress Park, Tom went through wash park and left early.
After the two mile warmup, Jay and I were stretching a bit and I told him I was tight, I felt it in my RIGHT Achilles/calf area. All my problems recently have been on my left side (except my right knee).
Jay started the middle 3 and I stretched a bit longer. I started off good and then started tightening up on my right Achilles. It gradually got worse and started to have some pain at the half mile mark. Given my recent experiences, I stopped at the half mile and stretched it. Then ran at a slower pace to the Speer light, stretched some more and continued to the 1 mile mark. I did the 1st Mile in 6:27. Then ran easy to Alameda to wait for Jay and really stretched it out. I ran easy to the 2 mile point and then ran back with Jay at his pace around 7:10.

We stopped at the finish and Tom joined us (he had gone around the park). Tom took off at a good pace, but Jay and I started back easy, then picked it up a tad at Colfax to keep up with Tom the last mile.

Not sure what to think, too much too soon? Another Setback? Just a cramp? De-hydrated? Diet/Nutrition related. Very frustrated. Hopefully this won't interfere with my training and my run schedule. I was feeling so good after the race on Sunday and the track day on Tuesday.

6.5 Miles with 1 mile tempo (6:27).

Garmin Watch Data for the Middle 2.5

BTW, another really nice day but cold on the way and maybe some snow.

I had to adjust my weekend run schedule because Brittany want me to take her snowboarding so she can show her stuff. How could I refuse?

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, I think all will be good. Your will is just being tested right now but you will persevere!
