Monday, March 22, 2010

Wash Park 7

Ran a Wash Park 7 recovery run today.

Moab Monday. Jeff, Tom, Bob and myself from Moab ran. Craig was still sore from the "plumbing".

Nice day in the 60's. I had 9.5 around the park on the schedule but work meetings made me cut it short. I will try to make up the miles later in the week, to get a 60 mile week.

Matt ran with us, he had fresh legs. Congratulations to Matt, expecting a baby in September, we discussed how this would impact his running career and fall marathons.

Jeff and Tom did Cheesman, the rest of us went to wash park.

The pace was pretty good for a recovery run, a little faster than I wanted, but I hung with Bob and Matt.
Pete and Chipman met us at the top of the country club hill on the way back.
Then Matt,Bob and Chipman took off, and Pete and I ran back easy. Bob is a machine, after a great Moab he ran up tempo the last 3 miles with those 2.

7 Miles 54 Minutes

4 Weeks out from Boston.

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