Monday, December 28, 2009

Wash Park 7

Ran the Wash Park 7 Mile route today with the group. Sunny with the temp around 30 at lunch. Surprisingly had a big group for the Monday after Christmas. 7 of us.

Downtown got less snow than out in the burbs, but it was still icy on side streets, in the parks and on some sidewalks and drives.

Dave and Scott went around Cheesman.

The rest of us 7 went to Wash Park. We started out easy due to the footing, but picked it up as we went. With Matt leading the charge most of the way. We ran out in 30 minutes (slow but due to conditions a decent pace). Ran back at 26 which was fast. Bob and Matt broke from the Pack. Jay decided to chase them down (like last week) so I hung with Jay. Andre right behind us. We caught them at 8th and then ran together a bit, till Matt and Jay broke away at Cheesman. I stayed with them, we were together again to Colfax and then Matt surged ahead. Jay and I were behind him a bit with Andre and Bob right behind us. We were going pretty fast down 16th, running in the road and some sidewalk. Too fast in places. I kept thinking about taking a bad step or tweaking my knee or ankle and what a setback that would be 16 weeks before Boston (yes 16 weeks from today). We all finished within a few seconds at the end. Now that it was over and we all "survived", great run!

I told the guys, it was 16 weeks to Boston, they asked if it was my first day of training. I said no, I'm on a 15 week plan. I said ask me next week and I'll be on a 14 week plan. :)

Craig C and Tom ran the route but were smart and ran a steady pace out and back.
I was surprised by Jay's endurance. He hasn't been running regular and not much with the group but he was strong the whole 7 miles. I thought he might fade but he finished strong.

7 Miles 56:42

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