Friday, July 31, 2009

City Park Golf Course 7

Ran the city park golf course 7 mile route today. Andre and Pete C ran it also. Craig and George joined us for part and ran the duck pond.

Was warmer today and some sun, but not too hot.
Nice route, haven't done it in a while.
My favorite part is the last mile and a half down 17th. We run past a lot of outdoor cafes where people are outside having lunch when it's nice out. We call them cafe people. Fun running past them, we joked about grabbing some food off their plates. I told Andre I'd go for a beer on the run.

Felt the hip the whole way, but not bad pain, just annoying. First back to back 7 mile days in a while.

Back at the Y Andre asked me about my stretching and the calfs and told me I should go see Mark Plaatjes, he's been telling me that since Denver Marathon last year. He was critiquing my stretching when Paul came back from his run. I told Paul Andre was having a stretching clinic. Andres going to Austria on vacation for a couple of weeks.

Off day tomorrow and then 20 on Sunday morning early because it's supposed to be hot again.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wash Park 7

Blogging on my new Eee PC 1000HE, very portable, small keyboard, but since it's a running blog I won't go into the tech specs. But I'm starting to like it, a lot...

I ran the Wash Park 7. No middle 3. Although it would have been a nice day for it. Very cool in the 60's with clouds and even a little drizzle during the run.

I wanted to go a bit up tempo (similar to Tuesday) but not hard also wanted to run the road route with my Garmin to see what the difference is in mileage from the path (0.06 miles). Not much, but the Garmin can be inconsistent to that level. 20:30 on the Up tempo. 2.92 miles

Garmin Data for the 3 Miles

Matt ran, but only went up tempo (more up than me). Tom, Jay and Craig ran the middle 3. Scott ran to the start and back. Lots of guys in the group are on vacation now, Scott and Jay are getting ready to go next week. Turns out Scott goes to a vacation spot in Michigan close to where Jill goes every year, small running world.

Good run overall, I wouldn't call it pain free, I definately felt the hip, but better than before so I think it's "healing".

7 Miles 52:30

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cross Train

Went to the Y at lunch and cross trained. Biked, Rowed, Stretched, Wts, Abs.
Could have run today but felt I should cross train.
I had a great massage last night, 80 minutes, what a difference the extra time makes, I'm getting spoiled.
Tara loaned me a book she bought Runners World Guide to Injury Prevention
I'm reading it now, so far it looks pretty good and has a lot I can relate too.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cherry Creek Bike Path - 6

Nice cool day in Denver, 70, cloudy, but humid.
4 of us ran from the Y. Scott, Pete C, Tom and myself.
Since it was cool we decided to do the Bike Path since it usually gets hot on the path in the summer and it's been a while since we ran it. Plus 6 miles seemed about right.

I wanted an easy run, but it didn't turn out that way. We started about normal and then the pace started edging up till we were breaking 7 minute miles on the bike path.

We did the 6 mile route in 43 minutes.

My hip felt better. I could feel it while running, but seemed to be easier to run even at the higher tempo. When we finished, I stretched some and it felt looser.

80 Minute Massage with Tara tonight.

Garmin Data for Run (Start/Stop Error in Data)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Recover Day

Decided to take a recovery day from yesterday's trail run and rest the hip.
Saw the group leave as I was at the Y riding a bike, looked like 9 of them and it was so sunny and nice. I regretted my decision. But better off in the end I suppose.

Biked and Rowed, did some stretching and some weights at the Y.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bergen Peak Run

Ran Bergen Peak today from Andre's house up to the top of the peak and back down.

There were 5 of us. Andre, Jay, Mark Brown, Bob Basse and myself. We left about 7:15 from Andre's and it took about 1:10-1:15 to get to the peak. I could not push off my right hip very well on the uphill, painful and no push. So I slowed down even more than usual going up.

The route reminds me of the area on Pikes Peak between the W's and Barr Cabin. Some flats, some switchbacks. View from the top was great, could see Mt. Evans and Pikes Peak and a lot of the evergreen area at 9700 feet.

I did better coming down (Surprise) my hip only hurt slightly. I had a couple of stumbles but no ankle pops or anything, which is good. One good thing about the hip is I hardly notice my calfs and maybe they are getting a rest.A

fterwords Andre's wife had a nice brunch ready for us with bagels, fruit, juice, yogurt, sausage-potato-cheese casserole. coffee. He has 4 decks on his house with great views of the mountains including Bergen peak. I told him he definately wins the prize for best post-run refreshments this year.

The 5 of us ate on the deck and then sat around and talked about running and stuff for about an hour and a half, till about 11, then headed home.

I messed up my Garmin on a section of the course where Andre told a story about a creek and his friends dog getting a disease that is common from Racoons. Racoon Creek. So it looks like I jumped off the mountain.

11 Miles total

Garmin Watch Data for Run (With accidental stop).

Friday, July 24, 2009

More Cross Training

Went to the Y at lunch and cross trained. I wanted to run, the sun was out it was hot, really wanted to just take off and go around the golf course for 7, but the hip hurts when I walk and I use that as my test. If it hurts to walk, you shouldn't run on it, so I didn't. I also want to run the Bergen Peak run on Sunday (or part of it) and probably need the 2 days rest before Sunday.

I biked, rowed and even jumped on the Elyptical for 5 minutes. I was curious if the range of motion hurt my hip, it does not, so its the pounding that is causing the pain. I also did some weights and stretched.

Felt better, I've been icing it at work too and applying some heat. Plus taking Alleve.

A hot 5 to Congress Park

94 Degrees at 2:30 when I ran today. I had work meetings through lunch, so no group run.
I did our Congress Park route, the pool was packed because it was hot.
I almost skipped the run today. Wish I would have in hindsight.

My hip killed me after and sitting down at work for a while, when I got up I could hardly walk. Felt it in the groin area some too (where the bruising has spread). So I'm kinda worried about it getting worse.

I iced it when I got home and took some advil.
Not sure what I'm going to do, probably need to rest a couple of days and try to make the Bergen Peak run on Sunday.

5.25 Miles 42 Minutes

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

5 Easy on the Track

Hip was better today, looks worse, but swelling is down and not as much pain. Calf's were stiff today though. Went to the track, since it's tuesday that's where I thought I should be. Just going to run easy and see who shows up.

None of the guys showed up (it was a cool, overcast but humid day for July). Alicia was there doing a 8X400 with a mile tempo run at the end. After she had swam 4k this morning before I was even awake. She is amazing, how much time and intensity are put into her workouts.

2 Mile run to the track, then I stretched a bit, did a mile easy about 7:40, stretched and did a 3:38 800 stretched some more and then did the Mile with Alicia at her pace, which ended up being 6:49. Felt pretty good, shaking out all the long run tightness.

Got a ride back to the Y with Alicia since I was at 5 miles already, didn't need 2 more.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Cross Train at the Y

Really sore today from yesterday's run. Jumping up to 18 was a big bite and I feel it, but I need it to get my long runs a decent distance for the October marathon 11 weeks away.

I went to the Y and strecthed, did some weights, rowed and biked. Felt good to cross train some and not pound out a run.

My hip / butt is sore and swollen I could feel it last night and today, but couldn't really see the area since it's my back side. As I was changing at the Y a guy asked me if I got in a bike wreck like Jeff and I said "No why" and he said cause there's a big bruise on your butt. I went to the mirror and it is bruised in a couple of spots with 1 big bruise where it is swollen and felt the pain yesterday.

That means I tore something yesterday and it will take longer to heal. There is a smaller bruise closer to my back, which might mean multiple tears. I ran 14 miles after I felt the main tear, so that's probably why it's so bruised and swollen.

Yikes. I cannot catch a break. Do I have some sort of muscle tearing degenerative disease? Something in my diet?

My calfs were sore today too, but just running sore, not tearing sore.

It was tough to sleep on that hip last night, like laying on a golf ball on one side.

I will ice it and stretch more tonight and hope for the best. Might need some more rest days to let it heal. No time for injuries.

Long Run - 18

Ran 18 at the High Line Canal today. Started from the parking lot at Orchard next to the trail.

Split the run into 3 sections.
6 With me.
10 With Alicia and Chuck (Chuck ran about 7 of the 10)
2 Just me

I started out about 7:15, a little late for a July long run, but the trail is shaded. I started off OK, my back was a bit sore from putting together a yard swing the night before. I started off at about an 8:15 pace, a little too fast for a long run. About 3 miles in I started feeling it in my hip. I was at the turn around point anyway (to meet Chuck and Alicia at 8:30), so I stretched some and ran back. I started having some real pain in the hip, shooting across my butt into my low back and down my leg. Felt like my leg was getting numb. I stopped to stretch and I thought it was game over. 4 Miles into an 18 mile run and I could not run.
I stopped and stretched and walked a bit and it felt better. I ran slower and made it to 5 miles before I had to stretch/walk again. I thought I would meet Alicia and Chuck, show them the trail and just leave, it was so bad.

As I ran back I remembered I had ice packs in my car, so when I got back to the car at 6, I put on some traumeel and an ice pack on my hip and tightened it with my water belt, it felt so good, immediately relaxed the muscles. I re-fueled (gatorade, gu and top off the water bottle) and then I was going to run 1 mile South, come back and meet them (with ice on hip). As I was leaving I saw them pull in the parking lot, so I waited and let it ice some more, about a 10 minute stop.

I told Alicia and Chuck I was having hip problems so I might have to stop and stretch and catch up or meet them on the way back if it got bad. I took the ice pack off and headed out for the 10 (North again).

We started at a slow pace and it felt so much better. The ice must have relaxed it. I ran most of the 10 pain free, started feeling it again about 8 miles, stopped at 9 to stretch, more preventitive than anything else. Chuck turned around after 30 minutes. We were doing about an 8:35 pace and they both said it was good. (Later they thanked me for setting such a good pace).
We ran to just past Quincy at the 5 mile mark, and took a Gu/Water/Stretch break. Alicia showed me some of the stretches she did/does for the hip problems she's had. She has the same problem and says it's common. Painful but can be overcome.

When we got back to the car, I slapped an ice pack on my hip, I re-fueled, took off my shirt, got in the sprinklers to cool off and finished another gatorade. I had 2 more miles to do. Said goodbye to Alicia and Chuck and took off. It hurt from the start. I slowed my pace to about a 9 min mile and took it easy. It loosened up some. I went out a mile and then back to give me 18 for the day. Heading south on the trail is not nearly as nice and rural as the north part. It winds through some neighborhoods like Willow Creek, neighborhood parks, close to houses and becomes bike path for some of it.

18 Miles 2:35:06

Saturday, July 18, 2009

CC Park Dog Run

Ran from the Old Library to the Cherry Creek Park dog run with my two dogs Lucy and Levi today. Ended up running 5 1/2 miles and probably walked a couple more. The dogs loved it, lots of other dogs and people and water and grasshoppers and birds to chase.

I ran easy and stopped to let the dogs play, some walking breaks. After a couple of miles Levi started limping and running slower. I checked his paws for a sticker but there was none. Checked later and realized his paw pad had a tear, he's a tough dog, never yelped or anything and kept going but slowed down. The other dog Lucy had a ball and is a great running dog. Statying with me all the time, most of the time right next to me, never get's tired. Sometimes she runs through the brush and leaps like a kangaroo, saw her point at a few birds.

It wasn't as hot today, good thing because we left at 10. When Levi was going slow, I started running backwards to let him catch up, that felt good on my calfs. My hip and calfs were good, hope they hold out for tomoroow's long run on high line canal.

5 1/2 miles

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tempo Run

Did a 3 mile tempo run today during the Wash Park 7 mile run.

I'm not calling it a middle 3 because I backed off after a mile for a mile and then finished the last mile hard again. See below for why...

About 85 today with Sun. 9 Guys showed up, 5 ran the middle 3 or some form of tempo. Tom, Jay, Mike, Pete C and myself. Mike did good 19:20 coming back from his hip injury.

I took off at middle 3 pace, felt good conditioning and breathing, but my hip was aching and my right calf started tightening. I did the first mile in 5:56. At Alameda traffic stop, Mike went ahead between 2 cars. I had to wait a few seconds and then tried to catch him. I was almost to him and stepped off the curb at the street before the turn around. I felt my right calf seize and waited for a pop. No pop, yes! So I slowed way down, to about a 7:30 pace and altered my gate. Did that all the way to the 2 mile mark where I felt it loosen and it felt ok again going down the country club hill. Caught Mike at the 2nd Speer light where there is a lot of traffic and a long light due to construction. Mike said he was fading and couldn't hold. I told him my calf had loosened up so I was going to pick it up again. Jay caught us at that light also. I felt strong going back except my hip was hurting. I finished ahead of Mike but he was right behind me and had me on the watch. 19:56 for me.

We ran back easy, I felt everything tightening and wondered if it was good to do this before an acupuncture visit in about an hour. I would go in with pain and that might be good to help her find the points.

7 Miles 51:56

3 @ Tempo - 19:56

Garmin Data for Tempo Portion

At my Acupuncturist, Allison and I discussed my problems since the last visit (before mt Evans) and the hip, which was so minor last time I didn't even mention it to her. She pushed on my left arm and shoulder and asked me if it was tender. ??? It was where she was pushing. I remember her doing this before, for other things. It cracks me up.

She put needles in the same places in my calfs about 16 total and then about 5 in my right hip area and my butt. She said she could feel an unhappy muscle in my hip. She hooked the calf's up to electricity and started the juice. It was different than last time. Had problems adjusting the juice in the right outer leg where I had just had problems. The needles also jiggled when she put them in this time, but mainly in the left. Anyway rather than a tapping, I actually felt some shocks as we were adjusting. My right outer was shooting pain up and down my right leg so I couldn't feel the other needles with juice to adjust. I felt it in my hamstring too and down my Achilles to my heel. Didn't feel that last time. She said it was good and normal and it was cleaning stuff out. She left me with some music going to relax for about 20 minutes, checking on me a few times. I did relax after about 10 minutes and did some deep breathing (Yoga) to help. My muscles were really twinging all over the place on both legs. Reminds me of high school biology where you hook frog legs up to a battery to watch them twitch.

She then came in and hooked up the needles in my hip to the juice for about 10 minutes. It felt good but my calf ones where still connected and jumping around.

She came in and took all the needles out, the needle in the right calf where I had just felt it seize up didn't want to come out she said. I really felt it when she pulled that one out.

When I left, my hip immediately felt better. My calf's felt like they had been hit with little hammers. She said to drink lots of water today to continue flushing things out.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Congress Park 5

Did the Congress Park 5 again with Matt at Lunch. Andre started with us and then went to Wash Park at the split.

It wasn't as hot today, 80's but sunny at lunch.

My hip felt a little better and my calf's were ok.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Easy 4 at CC Park

I went to the Y at lunch and did some stretching and abs and weights.
Then had a 6:00 massage with Tara. Discussed the hip pain and what might be causing it and how to fix it. She thinks it's hip flexor and worked on it and gave me some stretches to do.
I talked to some other runners that have had problems and think it is more of a gluteus medius problem. God forbid I go to a doctor and get a real diagnosis.

After my massage I met Jill at the old library which is in the same parking lot as Elements Massage at Piney Creek and we did an easy 4 mile run through Cherry Creek Park with a couple of walk breaks in there. We hadn't run together in a while and caught up a bit, it was nice. It had cooled off and there was a nice sunset forming to the west and a storm brewing in the East. We both wanted an easy run, she did intervals in the morning and I didn't want to run hard after the massage (you are not supposed to run at all, hydrate and rest is what they recommend).

Jill is running well now, she did a 61 mile week and and a 6:31 timed mile last week.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Congress Park 5

Did the Congress Park 5 mile run with the group today.
Jeff, Matt, Craig C, Craig M and Pete C ran too.
I felt good coming off the vacation week and was anxious to run.
About 2 miles into it my right hip started hurting and my right calf was tightening.
Also broke in some new shoes and inserts and got a nasty blister on my left foot because the inserts I bought were too big and don't quite fit the shoe, I need to trim them down.
I was very discouraged by the end of the run.
I am so far away from where I thought I would be this time of the year and where I was from this time last year.

5 Miles, 42 Minutes.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I'll be on Vacation this week July 5th-12th. Going to Possum Kingdom Lake in Texas. My good friend Steve has a lake house there we are going to spend the week with our families. Lot's of boating and sun and jet skis and compfires and fireworks and fun.

I've decided not to run for a week to try and heal from all my injuries. I'm not packing my running stuff so I won't be tempted.

Also no internet and very little cell coverage on the lake, so no blog for a week. Not taking my laptop either.

No running and no computer for a week, talk about getting away from it all.