Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Moab Half Marathon

I did not have good results from my 10 week Half Marathon Training experience. I ran terribly, probably worst non-injury race I've ever run. I did 1:41:26. I'm not sure what happened. I trained well and hard, hit all my workouts except for a couple of speed workouts due to the weather, had a long 9 day taper and went into the race rested.

I started out at a 7:20 pace, my plan was to start easy and build up to a 7:00 pace and finish strong. Complete opposite. There was a stiff head wind at the start and throughout most of the race. It was overcast but the temperature was in the 50's so it was nice running once you got going except for the wind.

I ran the first 2 miles around 7:20 and ran with Jeff for the first 2 miles, He was drafting a lot so I fell behind him and then at about 2 1/2 he pulled away. I was fading already and my legs were pretty much dead, like I had not tapered. I was really hungry and felt weak. My spirit was broken. I trudged through the miles and tried to relax and just enjoy the canyon and the event, but I was so aggravated that I was racing so poorly, turning more into a training run as each mile passed. I walked through the stations at 4 and 8 to take a Gu and hydrate with water and gatorade, which helped a little. At the 10 mile water station, Tom caught up to me and we ran together through about 12 where he finished strong and I continued the fade. He ended up 2nd in his age group and finished about 30 seconds ahead of me.

Everyone else did pretty well, a bit slower thanks to the wind but I really tanked it, bad.

It was a fun trip otherwise, I felt sick for the afternoon but made the post race party at Craigs cabin with a healthy appetite.

I need to back off running a bit and focus on looking for a job. I need some time to reflect about what might have went wrong or maybe it was just a bad day with a lot of factors involved. I think I got too far out of shape before I started training for this and did not have the base to support a 10 week schedule for a decent half marathon performance.

Zach did well this weekend though. At least someone in the family was running strong. He won the 3200 at the Aurora City Meet with a time of 10:52. A PR by 8 seconds. Great Job Zach, I am so proud of you.

Zach and Dan moving through the field in the 3200 at the Aurora City Meet.
They finished 1, 2 with a sprint finish for Dan. Charlie finished 5th.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Moab Training - Last Week

My 10 Week training program is at an end. All that is left to do is taper for an easy week and hit the race rested and reap the rewards for the last 10 weeks right? We shall see.

Monday - Ran 4 Miles from home with the dogs, easy run.

Tuesday - 4X400 Ran 400's at SHHS track after lunch. Ran them hard but full recovery took a second off each 400. 87,86,85,84. Did a mile and a half warm up and a mile and a half cool down including 1 mile with the dogs.
5 Miles with 1 speed.

Wednesday - Rest

Thursday - 4 Easy. Ran 1.75 with the dogs really easy, around the schools and fields. Then ran 7:30 pace for 2.25 up and down Crestline.

Friday - Travel to Moab

Saturday - Moab Half Marathon

Friday, March 11, 2011

Moab Training Week 10

Final Week of Moab Training. Starts off very cold on Monday/Tuesday

Monday - Wash Park 7 Miles. Ran the wash park route at lunch with Andre and Tom. It was really code, in the 20's but humid, so it felt colder. Good Recovery run

Tuesday - Took a rest day. It was cold/snow. I had some stuff going on with work and decided to skip the workout. Was scheduled to do 10X800. I want to to a 9.5 mile tempo run on Thursday so I should be fresh for it.

Wednesday - Cross Train. I skipped Yoga and stretched, rowed and rode the bike instead.

Thursday - Wash Park 9.5 Mile tempo run. I left early, just me about 11:45 hoping to go around wash park and maybe run back with the group the last couple of miles. As it turns out everyone did something different today and I saw Matt coming back around the country club, Pete and Tom on the east side of wash park followed by Craig C. Then when I got to Alameda I saw Pete and Alicia coming out, so I ran about a half mile easy with Alicia down to Speer and then Pete and I got back to my pace which was around 7:30 to Colfax. I picked it up a notch and caught Craig C about 2 blocks from the Y. I was feeling good the last 3 1/2 miles from Speer on in. Gave me some confidence for the half next week after last Sunday's long run. Really nice day, sunny and in the 60's.
I ran it in 1:13 with a couple easy 1/2 miles tossed in. My Garmin could not synch to the satellites for the first half mile.

Friday - City Park Duck Pond. Ran the 5 mile duck pond route with Pete, Andre went long and Bob did two mile high loops. I was a bit sore from yesterday, so good recovery pace. 5 Miles 41 minutes. Last day of work. Might not be running downtown for a while.

Saturday - Rest

Sunday - 5 Miles Out and Back to CC Park, some up tempo, strong finish. Meant to go harder but eased back. 41 Minutes

Weekly Summary - 4 Days, 26.5 Miles 1 medium distance Tempo Run.