Monday, July 8, 2013

Avery 4K on the Fourth

I ran the Avery 4K on the 4th.  On July 4th, 2013.  In Boulder, CO.

It's a fun race.  The course is pretty boring, running in a business park area next to Avery Brewery in Northeast Boulder.  But it's a flat and fast course, with 3 turnarounds though.  The Post Race party is fantastic with a real 4th of July Feel, great food and prizes and free Avery Beer with multiple choices for the runners.  I definitely recommend this race if you are a fan of fast, short races with a great post race party on the 4th of July.

It was a fast group of runners, lot of younger people and runners local to Boulder, so it was a fast start and a pretty good pack ahead of me, despite starting out front.  With 3 turn arounds, you can always see who is ahead and just behind you.  My goal was 3rd in my age group so I could "win" the 12 pack of beer given to the age group placers.  The Age group winner gets a case, looking at last years results, I figured that was out of reach.

I ran a fast 5k pace, my Garmin clocked 6 minute miles for the first 2 miles.  I felt good, especially coming out of each turn around.  Kind of hot on the road with a little shade to one side, but none for fhe last 1/2 mile.  After mile 2 I thought I was on track for a 15:00 2.48 mile / 4k.  I pushed it a bit going up the slight hill to the last turnaround and passed several runners.  I was surprised at the finish that the clock was well past 15:00, and on 15:30 as i finished.  I think the course might have been a bit long, because I was running a 5:50 pace the last 1/2 mile and my Garmin logged 2.6.
Garmin Watch Data for Race

I cam in 39th overall.  I did get 3rd in my Age Group, missing 2nd by about 10 seconds but first place was close to 14.  I felt like I could have pushed harder, especially the last half mile and gotten in under 15.

2013 Avery 4K on the Fourth Results

Avery 4K on the Fourth, with my 3rd place Age Group Winnings.
A 6 Pack of White Rascal and a 6 Pack of India Pale Ale
The post race was really fun, sat with some people I met and ate the delicious breakfast burritos and snacks and sampled some fine Avery Microbrew, watched the awards and lottery prizes and some fun patriotic rock music.  Then collected by 12 pack award and came home.   Happy 4th Everyone!

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