Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve - Toast Run

Today was our traditional New Years Eve Toast Run. We meet at the Y and do our usual Duck Pond run, only instead of walking the pond we run to the picnic area at the end of the park and Dave Caprera has a new years eve lunch and champagne toast ready for us. This is a tradition that goes back about 10 years, used to be just a toast, but a few years ago Dave started cooking lunch, usually something with a Gourmet Flair. We invite all the runners and Friends in and out of the group, previous runners, everyone is welcome.

Only 8 of us ran from the Y, in fact more people drove that ran from the Y this year. In the past we had as many as 20 runners from the Y to the Park. This year we had 17 total at the park, an off year.

It was a nice day, 40's and sun, better than predicted. Jill joined us from the Y along with the regulars, Andre, Craig C, Craig M, Tom and myself. Jill brought her camera and got this picture of us running up (east) on 16th.

Notice how Craig is boxing me out with his elbows? Does that all the time, now I have proof. :) Thanks for bringing the camera and the pictures Jill.

We did the usual run to the park, Jay met us part way, Scott had gone earlier. We met up with the group, some had run a bit in the park, some were in street clothes. When we got there Dave had beef bourguignon and Champagne waiting. 19 total. Pete C brought his wife and daughter.

Here's a picture of Dave making his annual Toast and Speech as we look on, his daughter Lisa made the Beef bourguignon, you can see it on the grill there. Thanks to her, it was delicious Compliments to the Chef!

So after the toast, we ate and drank a glass of Champagne and took this group picture.

After that, the group headed back to the Y, well part of them took off without telling the rest.
We ran back easy, it was such a nice day. A little slick running in spots.

Thanks to Dave for doing this again and for everyone that showed up. It's great to have such good running friends and comrades.

5 Miles 45 Minutes, lots of fun.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

CC Path - 6 Miles

Ran the Cherry Creek Path bike route, 6 miles today.

Matt, Craig C and Alicia ran with me.

The footing was worse today, it was about the same temperature but no sun.
The roads between Cheesman and the Bike Path were really bad, we ran on the sidewalk mainly. Sketchy running in spots. The Bike Path was mostly clear except for the shadows around the bridges and trees.

Matt and Craig got ahead of us a bit and then took the short way back around 11th. We caught up to them but decided to go the 6. Good pace given the conditions.

I ran my 1600th mile at 8th and Franklin today. I'm a ways off my goal of 2000 miles with 2 days left. :)

Rest day tomorrow, yoga and maybe some weights.

6 Miles 47:43.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Wash Park 7

Ran the Wash Park 7 Mile route today with the group. Sunny with the temp around 30 at lunch. Surprisingly had a big group for the Monday after Christmas. 7 of us.

Downtown got less snow than out in the burbs, but it was still icy on side streets, in the parks and on some sidewalks and drives.

Dave and Scott went around Cheesman.

The rest of us 7 went to Wash Park. We started out easy due to the footing, but picked it up as we went. With Matt leading the charge most of the way. We ran out in 30 minutes (slow but due to conditions a decent pace). Ran back at 26 which was fast. Bob and Matt broke from the Pack. Jay decided to chase them down (like last week) so I hung with Jay. Andre right behind us. We caught them at 8th and then ran together a bit, till Matt and Jay broke away at Cheesman. I stayed with them, we were together again to Colfax and then Matt surged ahead. Jay and I were behind him a bit with Andre and Bob right behind us. We were going pretty fast down 16th, running in the road and some sidewalk. Too fast in places. I kept thinking about taking a bad step or tweaking my knee or ankle and what a setback that would be 16 weeks before Boston (yes 16 weeks from today). We all finished within a few seconds at the end. Now that it was over and we all "survived", great run!

I told the guys, it was 16 weeks to Boston, they asked if it was my first day of training. I said no, I'm on a 15 week plan. I said ask me next week and I'll be on a 14 week plan. :)

Craig C and Tom ran the route but were smart and ran a steady pace out and back.
I was surprised by Jay's endurance. He hasn't been running regular and not much with the group but he was strong the whole 7 miles. I thought he might fade but he finished strong.

7 Miles 56:42

Sunday, December 27, 2009

10 Mile Long Run with Zach

Zach and I did a 10 mile long run today. Part of his half marathon training and a good fitness run for me. I was trying to decide between 10 miles on the treadmill at the rec center together or running outside with all the snow pack, powder and ice. I decided to get him some yak Trax and we'd run outside together, an out and back to Cherry Creek Park. We had about 8 inches over a 3 day period with little melting between.

We started from the house and ran with the yak trax on the snow packed road, they did great. We got on the sidewalk which had been plowed but was not clear and dry and then headed to the park via the old library. That stretch between Orchard and the Library was tough running, deep snow about 8 inches and not a lot of it packed down, light traffic, so we slowed down and it was endurance over pace. Once we got on the path it was better, and then there was a kid that made a nice shovel path from the apartments all the way to the park entrance which made for mostly smooth running. Thanks shovel kid whoever you are.

Once in the park it was packed down, but not smooth. We stayed on the path through the bridge and then toward the marina. At about 3 1/2 miles a truck plow passed us going the other way plowing the path. That removed most of the snow. We kept the trax on. When we got across the road, the path was deep with snow and not very runnable, so we switched to the snow packed road, which was really good running with the yak trax. We had a good pace going as we made our way up the road uphill the last 1/2 mile to the 5 mile turn around point.

We stopped for water and gu, Zach was doing great. Sun was shining, great view of the mountains and the park.

When we headed back, it was so nice running on the road, I told him we should take Jordan road back to the Path. Just before we got to the Road my Garmin flaked out on me. Started beeping and flashing screens and I could not get back to the stop watch screen. After a few minutes it finally responded. I am not sure what happened. So we ran back Jordan Road to the path. Since this cuts the route some, we did an extra out and back on the west side of the road before we got back on the path, a bit too much out because we ended up at 10.1 instead of 10.

When we got back to the path, the plow had been through about 30 minutes ago so it was drying out. We took off the yak trax and secured them (me to my belt, Zach on his elbows) and ran without. We got our pace back down to an 8 minute mile through to the end of the park. We had a bout 2 miles to go, we ran on the shovel kids snow pack without trax, then we had a bout a 1/2 mile of powder, where we toughed it out without yak trax. That was a tough stretch and we really slowed down, but again good endurance.

The last mile we ran on the road then on the sidewalk on the sunny side which was dry back to the house. Zach had a really nice kick at the end and I kicked a bit but let him go. He did great. It was a fun father son run in the Colorado Sun with Snow all around.

10.1 Miles in 1:33:31. A 9:14 pace overall, but we ranged between 8 and 11 due to the snow and traction at various sections.

Garmin Watch Data for Run

A Runner's Christmas

We had a white Christmas in Denver this year. It snowed the 23rd, 24th and 25th. Got about 8 inches at the house. I decided to take 4 days off running in a row to recharge and rest up and enjoy the holidays. One final rest before I start a 15 week Boston Training plan.

My family knows what makes me happy and that's running. Well one of the things that helps to make me happy. So for Christmas I got lot's of running stuff, here's a list.

  • Aasics Running Tights with zippered pockets.

  • St. George Marathon framed finish photos 2 one running, one with medal.

  • 3 Running books, Running with the Buffaloes, Chi Running and Into Thin Air (not a running book but endurance and inspirational).
  • Red Feather Racing Snow Shoes R700, black.

Thanks family for a great christmas.

Here are the St. George Pics that I got framed as a present.

Below is a video of me testing out the snowshoes on Christmas day in our back yard wearing my new Aasics tights also.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cherry Creek Bike Path - 6

Ran the Cherry Creek Bike Path Route today. Change in the weather on the way, maybe a white Christmas...

Temperature in the 40's with clouds.

Jeff, Alicia, Jay and Craig M ran also. Good pace.

6 Miles 48:10

Wash Park 7 - Catch Me if You Can

Ran the wash park 7 mile route today with the group. Nice day, sunny in the 50's.
Big Group too...
Dave C, Matt, Jay, Craig C, Chipman, Jeff, Pete C, Bob B and Tom.

We ran together to Cheesman at about the normal pace, but the group was staggered which is rare. The group split up at Cheesman then again at the Bike path. Leaving, Matt, Chipman, Jeff, Bob, Jay and myself.

Then Matt and Chipman picked up the pace and pulled away. Jeff, Bob , Jay and myself kept the normal pace. We got to the turn around point and Matt and Dave were about 2 blocks ahead of us and going strong.

As we started running back Jeff said, you want to try to catch those guys? Jay and Bob wanted to and I wasn't going to run alone, so we picked up the pace to a sub 7 mile. We started gaining on them. They had no idea, they were just running up tempo a bit and chatting.

We were within a block at Speer and then light turned, they made it through on both lights, but we got stopped. So that gives them another 45 seconds. Jeff and Bob took off, determined to catch them by 8th and Franklin. Jay and I started with them at about a 6:30 pace then faded off. I had run a 10k on Saturday and really didn't want a speed workout, so I stayed with Jay.

Bob and Jeff caught them at 8th and Franklin (although they missed a turn). Jay and I were about a half block back when they took off again.

We coasted a bit, then surged as we were within a block at Colfax, but we got caught at the light. They must have really taken off from there because we didn't see them until we got to the Y and we were running about a 7 minute mile pace.

Fun run, different, playing the chase game like that. Maybe next time I'll be the rabbit.
In the locker room some of the runners that went shorter were wondering why we didn't all come back together. Apparently Matt and Bob finished ahead of Jeff and Chipman, then Jay and I.

7 Miles 52 Minutes

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Rudolph's Revenge 10K

Zach and I ran the Rudolph's Revenge 10K Race today at Chattfield. At 10 am.

I set a goal for us of 43 minutes, which is a 7 minute mile pace. Aggressive, but something to shoot for. Zach said he'd try to hang with me at that pace. This is only his 2nd 10k, running cross country 5k's, it's a different race where discipline and pace is important as well as stamina.

We got there early about 9:00 which is good because the parking lot fills up and you have to park a half mile away if you don't. It was cold but sunny and getting warmer. We registered, picked up our bibs and timing chips and sat in the car near the start. About 7 minutes before race we got out and jogged over to the start, it was 32 degrees. We had shorts LS shirts and gloves. The start was kinda strange, a bunch of people started running and we followed. Some guy apparently just said go. No loud speaker, horn or gun. Just go.

It was crowded at the start as Zach and I jockeyed around to find holes and get up to a 7 minute pace. They mix the 5k and 10k runners at the start and split them off at 1.6 miles. Running on the road, about a 1/2 mile before we got in a good pace. 6:50 side by side on a beautiful day, me and my sun racing. It was fun, near perfection!

Mile 1 was 7:06 due to the slow start, but a good mile.
Mile 2 goes down hill, the 5k runners split off half way and it curves around to the bridge. Zach was feeling it a bit. I dropped back a couple of times to keep him on pace, not push him too hard but enough. 7:13 we dropped off pace a bit.
Mile 3 goes uphill for a ways and we were running into the wind about 15 mph. I told Zach to charge the hill and he did, ahead of me. You turn into the bike path and a water stop on the turn. We both blew past it. We saw the first 10k runner heading back down. It was and out and back on this section. A couple of rolling hills and then a steep hill to the turn around. We were together but he was fading a bit. Just before the turn around is a steep uphill on the bike path and the 3 mile marker. 7:09 that mile.
Mile 4 Zach faded a bit on this one coming back. I dropped back a couple of times to get him on pace. But didn't want to push him too much, just encourage. As we passed the throngs heading up the hills on the out and back. I decided to let him run his race from here and I focused on finishing strong under a 7 minute mile pace. I looked back a couple of times and he was about a minute back but looking good. 7:20 our slowest mile.

Mile 5. I picked up the pace and started picking runners off. There were some good runners ahead, some were putting distance on me, but I was picking several off. Cross the bridge a lady was in front of me. On the path part of the bridge it was very icy with only a narrow edge for running. Snow packed with foot prints. She slipped and caught herself as did I. I passed her shortly after we said hi, good race. She reminded me of the lady I met at St. George from Evergreen. Said hi again after the race, I almost asked her if she did St. George but didn't. Mile 5 6:56.

Mile 6 Nice downhill stretch, with some uphills, can see the finish parking lot and started passing the end of the 5k runners/walkers. Narrow path, but it felt like I was flying going past them. I picked off a few runners, one guy I really wanted to catch was holding off from me, never did catch him. Wondered how far back Zach was, but didn't turn around to look. 6:46

Finish Little hill before the finish, but lots of spectators. Finished Strong, probably should have kicked harder, but no injury for me today.
44:12. About a minute over my goal, but I felt good and ran the race comfortably the whole way.

Looked for Zach at the finish and started jogging back up the hill off the path. Saw a young guy running hard but it wasn't Zach, then right behind him there was Zach running hard. I looked at the clock and told him he could beat 45:30 and he did 45:25. 3 Minutes off his Boulder Bolder PR.

After the race we grabbed some water, I told him I didn't see many runners 19 or under ahead of him on the out and back so he might have a chance for placing in his age group.

We went back to the car and got our sweats and then checked the 10k results and he placed 2nd in his age group. 1st place guy was the kid I saw just ahead of him, Zach said he had just passed him, that kid was 18. I finished 5th in my age group about 10 runners ahead of Zach overall.

We stayed and he got his award and a couple of pictures. What a great day. So much fun. Way to go Zach!

Zach and me Post Race

Zach getting his 2nd Place award for his age group 19 and under.
It was a coffee cup.

Garmin Watch Data for Race

Race Results

Friday, December 18, 2009

City Park Duck Pond 5

Ran the City Park Duck Pond 5 Mile run today.

Good Group. Jay, Matt, Craig C, Alicia, Andre and myself.

Matt ran, his first run since Tucson. Hadn't seen Jay or Alicia in a while.

We ran easy and walked the pond per tradition. Except for 7 mile Andre who went around the golf course.

Little cooler today, 40 with clouds.

Garmin Watch Data for Run

5 Miles 42:53

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wash Park 7

Ran the Wash Park 7 mile run today with the group. 3rd Wash Park run this week for me.

No middle 3 for me today, saving my legs for the 10k on Saturday.
Craig and Jeff did a Middle 3. Chipman ran a backwards middle 3.5 through Cheesman.
Jeff pulled up with a calf issue after a mile.

Andre, Bob and I ran normal pace. Maybe picked it up a bit the last mile.
Nice day, 50, short sleeves. Kinda windy coming back.

7 Miles 57 minutes.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Around Wash Park 9.5

Ran from the Y around Wash Park at lunch. 9.5 Miles, a rare route for lunch, haven't run that one since March before Moab 2009.

I wanted to make up for my missed 9 miler on Sunday. Tom and Andre ran to the edge of the park with me (7 mile turn around point), then I did a lap around the park and back to the Y on my own.

Felt good, nice day, 50's, a little bit of wind. No knee issues, still slick on the paths in the shade.

I forgot to start my Garmin after the Colfax light on the way back, so it's a mile short.

9.5 Miles 1:17:06

Garmin Watch Data Minus 1 Mile

Monday, December 14, 2009

Wash Park 7

Ran the Wash Park 7 mile run with the group at lunch today. It was a nice day and a good run. 50's with Sun and no wind, short sleeves.

Tom, Craig C, Jeff and I ran to Wash Park and back 7 Miles. Pete and Dave did Cheesman. Dave's in great shape for Bridge playing these days. He got 18th in the national tournament. Craig had all kinds of problems today, nose bleed (grabbed some snow and then some leaves) and calf cramping. We had to wait for him a couple of times. I told him he was falling apart, he told me "You're one to talk". Ha he's right, but that's all behind me now right?

I wore my Moab shirt and hat, I got into the Moab via Lottery yesterday. 9 of us from the group are signed up for 2010 (Sharon, Alicia, Tom, Craig, Bob B, Jeff, Steve C, Scott and myself).

We discussed Moab and who was in, some of the guys had to buy their way in with the $100 charity entries.

Also talked about this weekends Marathon's. Tucson. Jill ran a 3:46:00 taking 19 seconds off her PR. Way to go Jill!Matt had a tough day and had a DNF at mile 19 due to cramping and other issues. Gina's boss Erin did 3:50 at Dallas White
Rock, her first Marathon. Way to go Erin!

I skipped my long run yesterday. Too windy and no motivation. Plus I tweaked my knee again scraping the ice on Saturday and it hurt the next day, so I took the day off. Only so many more "easy weekends" left in 2009. The knee was good today, so I think it was a wise choice. Only got in 4 days last week though.

7 Miles 55 Minutes.

Garmin Watch Data for Run

Saturday, December 12, 2009

5 Easy with the Dogs

Ran 5 Miles with the dogs in the dog park today. Easy run. Dogs loved it, had fun.
The park wasn't crowded due to the snow and cold. It was nice though, the roads and paths were snow packed. Which made for good easy running. No Yak Traxs.

Lucy flew through the bushes and in the water, on the ice. She really loves it. She was a mess though, I had to give her a bath after.

Zach ran 9 miles with his CC Coach Manley today at Highline, they had a good run, but it looks like I'm on my own for a long run tomorrow.

5 Miles

Friday, December 11, 2009

City Park Duck Pond 5

Ran the duck pond run today with Craig M and Bob B. It was nicer out, 30's with sun so I wore shorts.

Nice Run a good pace. The park roads and trails were snow packed.

First time Bob did this route with us, he usually doesn't run with us on Fridays. We didn't walk the duck pond per our tradition.

5 Miles 41:30

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wash Park 7

Yeah, I ran outside, it was nice (relatively speaking). 32 or so but the sun felt so good, felt good to be outside running again (aside from Sunday).

Jeff, Craig, Jay and I did the Wash park 7 route. Matt ran with us to the end of Chessman, he was doing 4 today easy with the Tucson Marathon for Sunday. Scott started with us but went to City Park for an up tempo run. None of us wanted any part of that, so off to Wash park we went.

It was slick in spots on the side roads mainly, a few bad spots on the sidewalks but runnable. The traction did slow us down some. Was nice to have a group run with some of the regulars. I wore gloves, tights a short sleeve and long sleeve wicking shirt, was perfect for those conditions.

7 Miles 56 Minutes give or take(messed up my Garmin)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Went to the Y at 12 for the 12:30 Yoga class, and some cardio before on the new equptment. They were still working on the new machine setup so the upstairs was closed no cario or weights. So George, Paul and I stretched out a bit in the open lobby area upstairs. Wasn't much else to do there, a lot of people left.

Anyway, the 12:30 Yoga class had a substitute. I think her name was Princess, but not sure, could not get a straight answer from anyone after the class, some thought her name was Princess. The class was much more relaxing and less athletic and technical than Susan's class. As one guy put it less torturous than Susan, but he liked the torture. I was ready for an easy day. So it was perfect.

Knee seems to be getting better, finally.
Sun was out today, warming up some, but still cold (6 degrees yikes).
Should be able to run at lunch tomorrow and I'm ready for a nice run outside.

1 hour of yoga.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Treadmill Intervals at the Y - 6.5

I haven't run on a treadmill at all in 2009 until today. It was 3 degrees, icy, snow, slushy and I didn't have enough layers to keep me warm. So I ran on the treadmill today. The Y had plenty to spare. In fact they are replacing all the cardio equipment this afternoon. I though maybe I'd try to wear one out since they were replacing it anyway.

As I walked to the Y I debated with myself weather to run outside, skip my run today or do a quality treadmill workout. With the cold and the knee and a rest day yesterday, treadmill was the winner. It wasn't like I had a goal NOT to run on a treadmill in 2009, it just happened that way and a streak is a streak. I really don't like running on the treadmill, so boring I find myself counting the seconds and hundredths of miles going by. Intervals or tempo work make it more bearable, as does someone to talk to or a game to watch. I don't like to go as fast on the treadmill as the track though. I don't like going over 10 MPH for very long. Doesn't feel safe. Plus I make a lot of noise and it really pounds the gym when I get cranking.

I grabbed a treadmill next to Doug and we chatted a bit, he runs a lot but short and rarely with our group. Then Matt got the one next to me, he was doing 4X400 intervals as part of his Tucson Marathon taper. I did 5 X 800 @ 3:20 with a 800 recovery at an 8:00 pace. I decided to do a 400 at the end just because.

5X800 @ 3:20, 1X400 @ 90
6.5 Miles 49:30,

Sunday, December 6, 2009

CC Park Blizzard Run - 5 Miles

Ran an out and back at Cherry Creek Park today. It was cold 17 degrees. About an inch of fresh snow when I started about 9:45, but snowing pretty good. The wind was out of the North West.

I bought some Yak Trax on Friday Night and wanted to test them out, this was good weather for that.

I started at the old Library toward CC Park. The first half mile was OK, protected, then when you get to the open park, the wind/snow was brutal. Wind Chill was probably around 0.

I wore tights, wool gloves, 2 long sleeve wicking shirts and an outer shell. A running cap and some ear muffs. I needed some protection for my face, it got really cold and froze to my facial hair. I need to find something I can run with that keeps my face warm but allows me to breathe.
I ran an out and back, so coming back was better, no wind in the face, felt good.

The Yax Trax did really well, I was impressed. I wore them over my trail shoes. They were easy to put on and adjust (got mediums for my size 10 1/2). This was a good run to test them out in addition to the fresh snow, there were parts that had ice and I also ran on some trail. They performed well in all. Some parts of the snow were deeper 4 inches or so and the yaktrax handled that with no problem. I could run an 8 minute mile on the powder without slipping or losing traction. I didn't have any long stretches of ice, that would have been a good test too. I ran on the bike path, then jumped to a double track trail, that turned into a single track trail. Uphill and downhill, YakTrax did great.

The only part I didn't like them was when the snow was thin or under bridges running on concrete without any snow. It felt strange and I imagine it would were them out if you ran very far like that. Running Back looking at my tracks, the YakTrax in the snow look really cool, with the 3 x's in the show print.

So overall big thumbs up for Yak Trax, hopefully it will allow me to train through the winter on days like this for Boston without having to hit the hamster wheel (aka Treadmill).

Slow Pace but 5 miles of snow running, low impact. Knee felt better, probably not the best thing to run on it with.

Garmin Data for Run

Saturday, December 5, 2009

CC Park 8 Miles

Ran 8 miles today with Zach, his half marathon training long run for the week. We did a loop through Cherry Creek Park, nice route. We left about 1:30, it was starting to get cloudy and windy. The temperature was in the mid 30's.

The footing was kinda slick in spots, especially the shade.

We cut through the woods on the trail, it was snow packed, but not bad.

At 5 miles we stopped and took a gu and water break. Trying to get Zach used to taking GU for longer runs. He did OK, but made some faces, said his stomach was a bit queezy. Later he said he felt a pick up from it.

He did good. We did about an 8:20 pace the first 5 miles then slowed down on the 2 miles of hills coming back, cut through the estates and ended up with 8.1 miles, he had a good kick coming down our street at the end, so he had something left in the tan. Phoenix Half marathon is 6 weeks away.

He was scheduled to run 3 today and 8 tomorrow, but we switched days because the weather is supposed to turn tomorrow and be sub 20 degrees with 3-5 inches of snow.

8.1 Miles 1:08:45.

Garmin Watch Data for Run

Friday, December 4, 2009

Duck Pond 5

Ran the duck pond 5 mile city park route today.It was still cold, 25 but the sun was out, and I was ready to run after a 2 day layoff.

Only Craig M and Scott showed up to run today.

I wore tights, 2 long sleeve wicking shirts, gloves and ear warmers. It was perfect.
Quick pace with Scott, we did the run in 38:40, about 3 minutes ahead of our group average.

In the small running world category today, I met a guy on the way back to the Y who was running with another group, he had done St. George 2009, we both had on the same shirt. He did 3:35, I'll have to look him up by time, didn't catch his name. We chatted a bit, he runs out of a building that's at 16th and Grant.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Rest Day with Yoga

Cold and Snow here in Denver, not a lot of snow, but enough to mess up traffic and running footing. It's my rest day anyway, the knee thing keeps hanging around and I need to give it a rest.

Massage last night was great. I had a lot of sore running muscles despite my easy running schedule and minimal speed work. Tara worked on the knee a bit, the muscles around it and the ligaments. That felt good. Knee felt better

I went to Yoga at lunch. Good class, but the room was blazing hot, dry heat so really dehydrates you quick. Knee felt better after that too. I think siting at my desk is the worse thing for it, but that's what I have to do to make a living so...

Zach is staying on his half marathon schedule and went to the track after school and did 7 X 400's in 20 degree weather. Nice Job Zach!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Congress Park 5

Ran the Congress Park route today. Most of it by myself.

I started with Scott from the Y, then he wanted to do a tempo run through City Park. I didn't want any part of that so we separated at Park Ave and 16th. We were on a good pace as it was, but his up tempo Pace is about my 5k Race Pace so he took it up from there.

I ran through Cheesman and into the Wash Park route by myself. My knee was hurting this morning and was slowly loosening up. First lunch run in a while where it was just me. Nice day, in the 50's with clouds, but a change in the weather is on the way...

As I ran past Congress, the botanic gardens and back into Cheesman on the east end, it felt better. When I turned into Cheesman, I saw Chris charging up the hill to my left. He was doing Cheesman 1/2 mile intervals. We said hey as he charged past doing about a 2:50 pace. He waited for me at the end of the interval and we ran back to the Y easy.

5 Miles + 42:27

Massage with Tara tonight

Monday, November 30, 2009

Wash Park 7

Ran the Wash Park 7 Mile route today with the group. It was a nice sunny day, 60 degrees at the Colfax Bank Clock on the way back. Shorts and Short Sleeve Shirt.

Big group today. 10 of us. We split up at the Congress Route Junction (7th and Franklin). Bob, Andre, Jeff, Tom, Craig M and myself went to wash park.

Bob and Andre set a pretty brisk pace. I messed up my Garmin a couple of times, but pace wise we were running 7 - 7:30 quite a bit and dipped below 7 on the home stretch. A good push for an easy day.

Knee is still nagging me, but it felt better once I got running. I think sitting at my desk is the worst for it. I'm going to run on it, at least while the weather is nice. Discouraging coming off an easy week last week, with 3 full days rest and still not 100%.

On the bright side, I weighed in at the Y today and I survived the 4 day thanksgiving weekend fest without gaining any weight despite not running 3 of the 4 days. That was a pleasant suprise on a back to the real world monday.

7 Miles 54 Minutes.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

3 Days, no Running

I took the last 3 days off, after the turkey trot race. My Right Knee was sore and I think the only way to recover is to rest it. So even though the weather here was great for running and I had a long weekend from work, I refrained from running. Just dog walks , icing and stretching. Did some stuff around the house, worked on computers (Brittany's) and watched some Movies with Zach. Zach ran and is staying on his schedule.

Feels better today, can still feel that MCL though. Hope to get back on schedule tomorrow...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Trot 2009

Ran the 4 mile Denver Turkey Trot today. 26:14. About 50 seconds slower than last year.

It was a great day for it. Probably the best ever. Temperatures in the 50's then up to 60 after the race. Blue Skies. Tons of people, very festive.

Zach and I left at 8:30, picked up Tanner and got there about 9:00. Got our race stuff and then waited for Gina, Brittany, Lisa and Greg to arrive with the Dogs. When they got there we walked around a bit and took this pre race photo, below...

2009 Turkey Trot Pre-Race Photo
Greg, Gina, Zach, Tanner, Lisa, Dennis, Brittany
Rosy, Hercules, Foster, Levi and Lucy

We separated, I jogged to the porta-pottis at the finish becasue the lines at the start were huge and wrapped around the parking lot. As I jogged my knee was hurting, I was thinking it needs to loosen up and get some blood flowing so I can race.

It warmed up quick so I ran back to the car and changed into a tank top, shorts and ditched my gloves. A turkey trot in Denver in a tank top. Yes! I got in line near the start of the race and looked around for any friends. I saw Craig and Tom and Craig's son Ben. They pointed out Zach and Tanner to me who were on the other about the same row we waved. Then Lisa and Lauren Mills came up and we chatted and I introduced them. Lisa said Bill was at the very start and was going fast. Saw Bob Basse there too, a few rows ahead of me.

The race started and it took about a quarter mile to weave through and get into a good pace. I can't remember the last time I bumped into so many runners at the start. Just about the time I got on pace around 6:30. I passed by Zach and he said Hey Dad. I was wondering if he was going to push and stay with me and out kick me at the end. As it turned out, he met up with Tanner and took it up tempo but not hard. 29:13. So I guess I'm still king of the house for now.

I got into an OK pace, but not as fast as I wanted. I had my Garmin and really wanted to be in the 6:15 range to be under 25:00 for the race. But I just could not push it there today. No excuses, my legs were tight (from Yoga I think, no more Yoga before a race), my knee felt fine. I could see Bob Basse ahead of me pretty much the whole way. Always about 100 meters/ 20 seconds ahead. At times he would get farther ahead and I'd close the gap. Mile 1 was about right 6:13 pace, Mile 2 was slow, 6:44. Missed the Mile 3 marker, but the last 2 miles were 6:34 average, which was my average pace for the race.

It was good I had Lisa, Craig, Tom and Zach behind me and Bob in front. Kept me focused and prevented me from dropping into an easy pace. I finished ok, not as strong as I should have. I was breathing pretty hard at the finish as was a lady next to me. I tried to get Bob's attention, he finsihed about 25 seconds ahead of me, but he was headed back on course to run with his daughters I think. Bob finished 1 second behind Bill Mills, but I don't think they know each other. So I grabbed a water and turned around to see who would finish behind me.

Lisa and Lauren were about a minute behind me, was talking to them when I saw the rest of the group. Followed by Zach and Tanner. They had finsihed together holding hands for a joke. I told them it wouldn't be so funny if they made the front page of the paper like that.

Here's a web post of how our prostates group did this year.

Pickled Prostates Results

After the race, we chatted a bit, then hit the Schwag lines and got separated. I told everyone I'd meet them at the beer garden so after I got a bag full of goodies, some drinks and some food. I headed over, where it was empty and there were tables of Michelob Ultra waiting. It was a nice big area with sun, at one end you could see the race course as it came down Franklin and then up the park road next to the garden. I tried to find Gina, Brittany and the pack, but couldn't spot them. I walked around and found Tom, we chatted, then he had to go.

The Beer Garden was filling up quick and lines were forming. I got to the edge and spotted everyone in the park with the dogs. They came over and talked on the other side of the little barrier fence, the dogs (5 of them) attracted lots of attention and comments. I'd have to say Herculese gets the most attention, he is so big and soft and gentle. Eventually Lisa and Greg and Rosy the dog, came into the beer garden and had a beer with me. By the time they got in, got in line for a beer and made there way over to where I was, it was about time to go. Gina was ready to get home and finish cooking. It was approaching 11:30. So we finished our beers, jumped the fence with Rosy and walked back to the cars. Got home about 12:15.

Garmin Watch Data for Race

Fun Day. I love thanksgiving and I love Running. So Turkey Trot is one of my Faves, no matter what. Good Friends and Good fun.

2009 Turkey Trot Results

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Yoga Cross Train Rest

Rested for the race tomorrow. Went to the Y and cross trained on a bike and rowed a few minutes in each. Both of them irritated my knee somewhat, but warmed it up for Yoga. Yoga was good, had a substitute though, Terry.

Turkey Trot tomorrow, last years time was 25:27 a PR, but my goal was and is sub 25.

Will I make it this year? Will Zach beat me for the first time in a race?

Tune in tomorrow...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cherry Creek Bike Path 6 Miles

Ran the Cherry creek bike path at lunch.
Knee was better today, felt better after running too. Weird

Nice day, a little cool.

Jay, Dave, Scott and Alicia ran with me.

6 Miles 49:59

Garmin Watch Data

Monday, November 23, 2009

Take a Knee, do some Yoga

I did Yoga today instead of my usual Monday run with the group, which usually helps me through a Monday.

I ran hard this weekend and did almost 20 miles.
I woke up this morning and my Right Knee, the one I tweaked a couple of times running on the snow and ice, was hurting and sore.
I drove to work and it was so stiff and sore I limped getting out of the car.
Then sitting at my desk and at a staff meeting it got worse and worse.

So I went to an 11:30 yoga class. Susan's Yoga for Athletes. I backed off some of the leg poses where I thought it stressed my knee. Overall after yoga and walking back it felt good.

Not sure what me schedule is for this week. This knee thing keeps nagging me and rest helps a lot. I have the Turkey Trot race on Thursday, that's the only definate.

I looked it up online and I think its a Grade 1 MCL strain

Or a Medial Miniscus strain

There's some cool video links to test it out. The Midiscus one looks painful.

Both of them say to RICE it and not train. I've been RICEing when it bugs me, but the not train is what gets me every time.

Gotta Run..

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sloan's Lake - Downtown and Back 7.5 Miles

Zach and I met Matt at Sloan's lake this morning to join him on part of his last Long Run before the Tucson Marathon. I had Zach scheduled for a 7 mile long run today and Matt was running later in the morning, so it worked out. We drove out to Sloan's lake, stopped to buy a G2 orange Gatorade for Matt and got there around 11. Lots of runners on the lake. We parked by the north bathrooms and waited for Matt. My right knee (the tweaker) was sore from yesterday's 11 mile uphill and downhill run. Zach had lost some conditioning since Cross Country, so i decided rather than run back to Matt's house and have him drive us back we would run 3.5 miles and turn around and run back.

We got there early and saw Matt on his first lap, he said he was going too fast but felt good. There were a lot of runners on the lake, but I'd have to say he was the fastest by far, he looked great 13 miles into a 20 miler.
It was 2.5 miles around the lake, so we were ready when he came by again. He filled his water bottle with the Gatorade I brought.

Zach and I ran 3.75 miles with Matt at his pace which was pretty fast. 7:15 on the flat parts. We went along Sloan's lake then through the neighborhood down to By REI, Confluence Park and then up the Bike Path to Stout, where we turned around. He was getting faster, 6:49 as we headed up hill on the bike path, so I was glad to turn around and slow down a bit on the way back. Pretty sure Zach was too.

Matt said he was going to "Pick it up" the last 3 miles.
It's uphill on the way back. As we got near Federal, there was a lot of Bronco game tailgating, traffic and crowds, but kinda cool to run through that atmosphere. Zach really liked the route, different from the usual runs. We ended up averaging an 8:03 pace

7.5 Miles 1:00:34

Garmin Data for Run

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Idaho Springs to Downieville and Back - 11 Miles

Ran from Idaho Springs UP to Downieville and then back down to Idaho Springs.

Jill wanted to run 15 today downhill to prepare for her Tucson Marathon in 3 weeks. I dropped her off at Silverplume and then drove down to Idaho Springs, parked at Beau Jeaus (Pizza) and ran from there. It's about 700 feet elevation gain. over 6 Miles.

The frontage road was icy in the shady spots and there was a head wind going uphill. But it was runnable, didn't see any other runners though.

I was almost to the Conoco at Downieville, where I was to take a break and meet Jill for the trip down, but she had already stopped and was headed back down. I had plenty of water and was at 5.75 miles so I turned around and we ran down together at her pace.

She had a good pace going, it felt good to be going downhill on the sunny side of the road and with the wind to my back.

Jill really picked it up the last mile, it was a great pace and she was running strong. I think she is going to do well in Tucson.

11 Miles 1:37:45
Garmin Watch Data for Run

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Middle 3

Ran the Middle 3 Today... 18:33. My goal was 18:30. Missed by a few seconds. Was on pace for 18:30 but waited too long to kick at the end.

Good group today. 6 Middle 3 runners

Matt, Dennis, Chipman, Craig/Tom and Tim the new guy who didn't know what we were doing, now he knows.

Alicia and Craig C ran easy to the Park and back.
Jay tapered for the Saturday Brighton Turkey Trot.

It was fun to watch Craig and Tom sprint at the end trying to finish ahead of the other, just like the old days (or last summer). I'll call it a draw but give Craig the first mention due to seniority.

Great day for it, temps in the upper 40's with sun. Had to run on the road cause the trail had ice and mud. I felt good, had a couple of traffic stops that helped. Thought I was running slow compared to Matt who pulled away from me and kept putting distance between us. Turns out he was running fast, real fast...

Congrats to Matt (pictured above), he did 17:06 today at the Middle 3. Taking 30 seconds off his PR. He is in peak shape being just over 3 weeks from his Tuscon Marathon. I plan on joining him for part of his last long run on Sunday.

Garmin Watch Data from the Middle 3

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cherry Creek Bike Path 6

Ran the Cherry Creek bike path at lunch today. 6 Miles. Only person to show up today was Caprera, where was everyone?. We ran pretty slow and easy. A lot of snow melted and it was around 50 with sun. Back to short sleeves.

My tweaked knee was OK, I could run easy on it no problem. Sitting at work makes it stiff and sore. Hoping a rest day will help. That and some Ice. I'm not even training yet and I'm already icing stuff.

6 Miles 50:30

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wash Park 7

Ran the Wash Park 7 mile route with the group at lunch today. Felt good to get out and run after another weekend snow storm. No running for me this weekend. Decided to rest the legs and knees, would not have gotten any quality on Sunday with the snow, about 6 inches on the roads and sidewalk.

Sun was out today, but there were some slick spots and some puddles as it started to melt. Very cold in the morning, around 32 when we started running at noon. I wore shorts, gloves and 2 shirts (1 short, 1 long sleeve). I was comfortable once we were running, especially in the sun.

Good group today. Jeff, Craig, Bob and I went to Wash Park and back at a good pace. The other guys (Matt, Tom and Andre) ran Cheesman. We ran on the path street, sidewalk, whatever to find good footing. On the way back at Cheesman I planted my right foot on a snow bank to avoid a puddle and went through the snow to a puddle below. Tweaked that right knee again, the one I rested and was feeling better today... It's OK but will probably nag me for another week or so.

7 Miles 52:41

Zach's Cross Country banquet was tonight, it was fun. He did a video for the team and there were about 50 kids there from the team. They talked about each one, with a picture. Manley gave a mention to the Pickled Prostates when Zach was up there. They said they saw Zach out running after the season, because he's training for Phoenix Half. Manley gave all the kids the book "Born to Run", which I am currently reading.

Friday, November 13, 2009

City Park - Duck Pond - 5

Ran the Friday Duck Pond run today with the guys. Craig M and Tim (new guy) ran with me. Matt joined us at the duck pond after leaving the Y late.

Temp in the 40's with clouds, not too bad. Weather is supposed to change for the weekend though. Planning to do a trail run with some of the group on Sunday if the weather is ok.

Garmin Watch Data

5 Miles 41 Minutes

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Middle 3

Ran the middle 3 today, 18:53. A few seconds slower than last week, but I'm OK with it. I think the track work this week was counter productive for a good middle 3 time this week. Plus it was hot again 75 with sun. Tom and Jay ran it with me, we all took off our shirts. They did good.

We ran back easy, then picked it up at the end. I really picked it up the last quarter, trying to get in 4 mile race shape for the Turkey Trot.

Funny, I looked at my 2008 log and I ran the same exact middle 3 time a year ago this went. I was training for the Dallas White Rock Marathon also. Then I did 25:27 in the Turkey Trot, would like to go under 25 this year. I plan to push the middle 3 really hard next week and no track work, we will see.

Garmin Watch Data for the Middle 3

7 Miles 51 Minutes (3 at temp 18:53)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Manual HS Track

Went to the Manual HS Track today with the group. I wanted to do 5-6 miles normal pace, but we had a big group (*) and about half wanted to go to the track. Jay pushed us over the edge so we went. I was just going to run easy around the track, but ended up doing 2X400 (74-78) and 1 800 @ 2:59. I didn't have my track watch, had my Garmin and it wasn't set up for intervals, so I had no idea how fast I was doing them other than mile pace which isn't very good for shorter intervals.

I didn't want to do 2 speed workouts yet, but at least it was a short one, so should be good for middle 3 with a rest day tomorrow. My knee thing came back this morning, feels like it's a bit hyper extended and swollen. It's worse when I'm sitting at my desk with my legs bent and get up to walk around.

It turned out to be a nice day and a good workout with a good group.
On the way back, I mentioned something about a book I'm reading "Born to Run", turns out half the group was either reading it, or had just finished it. Scott was in Leadville, during one of the races talked about in the book.

6 Miles with 1 mile of Speed work

Garmin Watch Data for Workout (stopped my Garmin about 1.2 miles short of the Y).

Monday, November 9, 2009

Wash Park 7

Ran the Wash Park 7 today with the group at lunch.
Started with a good group (7 runners), but it was only Tom, Bob and myself that did the 7 miles out and back.
We ran an easy pace with the group to Cheesman, then pretty easy to the turn around, then picked it up a bit on the way back. The last mile was at about a 7 minute pace. It was impressive to watch Bob run ON the curb at that pace. On the way out, he took a little spill on the street, he was OK though.

Nice day in the 50's, mostly sunny.

I had something weird in my right knee this morning, walking around at work. Felt like it was twisted a bit. I thought about taking the day off, but felt like running otherwise, so I ran and it worked itself out. Sometimes it's good to run to get the kinks out.

7 Miles 53 Minutes

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Waterton Canyon 12.5

Ran Waterton Canyon this morning from the Parking Lot up to the Dam and back. 12.5 miles on my Garmin. Left at 9. Took 1:48:10. 55 Out and 52 Back.

Alicia and I ran it. It was a bit chilly at the start, with clouds (40 degrees). Once we got in the canyon, there was a head wind, not real strong, but enough to notice. The canyon caused a wind tunnel effect in some spots. I had a long sleeve shirt over a short sleeve and gloves with shorts. We stopped a couple of times for gu or equitpment adjustment or to use the porta potti.

Got into a good pace on the way back, the sun came out, downhill, it was fun. Saw some Big Horn sheep. Picked it up the last mile back to the parking lot.

Lots of runners out today, some bikers and hikers, but lots of runners. We ran an easy pace. Alicia saw some of her triathlon competitors, 3 ladys who were running fast ahead of us then on the way back.

Here's my Gramin data but it lost signal a few times and probably gave me too much mileage looking at the data on the map.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Duck Pond 5

Ran the city park duck pond route today with the group. Nice day, in the 70's again. So nice Jay and I both took off our shirts to get some November sun.

Craig M, Andre, Jay, George and Tom ran today.
Craig and Jay were late so they met us on the other side of the pond.

Andre pulled up with a calf problem. He had one the other day too, but different calf. He walked back after a mile and a half. He thinks it's dehydration from malaria medication he was taking when he went to Peru and the Amazon.

Easy run, I was ready for an easy day after the middle 3 yesterday.

I signed Zach and I up for the Phoenix Half Marathon January 17th, 2010. 10 weeks away.

5 Miles 43 minutes

Middle 3

Ran the Middle 3 today, our 7 mile run with a 3 mile tempo run in the middle. 18:46.

It was 7 weeks since my last middle 3, going back to September 17th, the week after the relay.
I lost about 30 seconds off where I was then, my best for the year is 17:57 in June and I have not been over 19 all year, so pretty consistent despite my injuries this year. 15 Middle 3's this year so far.

I did feel it though, my lungs were burning and I didn't have that race focus. I got 3 traffic stops which I needed.

It was a warm day, near 70. Craig C, Alicia and I ran the middle 3. Nobody else ran, although we saw Tom, Jay and Scott coming back from an early middle 3.

Alicia ran her first middle 3 today. She did great. Congratulations Alicia!

We ran back easy. It felt good to run a middle 3 after the marathon recovery period. I plan to do them until the turkey trot to get some speed back.

My Garmin was dead, so no Garmin data. My splits ranged from 2:55 to 3:14

7 Miles 50:46.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dog Day Afternoon - Cheesman 5 Miles

Had another busy day at work, but the weather was so nice, I had to squeeze in a run. That and Gina and her sister Lisa were going to be at Cheesman Park at lunch for their weekly dog walk and I wanted to drop by and say hi. I had a 1:00 meeting and I barely got to the Y and changed out by 12. So the plan was a quick Cheesman 4 and hit the showers, change and back
to work by 1.
Good group at the Y today. Matt, Craig M, Dave C, Andre, George, Chipman and myself = 7.

I told Gina we might see her around 12:10 as we came running through from the northeast corner of the park on the path. Didn't see them for a while and thought maybe I'd miss them, but just after the porta potti there they were with the 5 dogs. I asked the guys if they wanted to meet my wife and the dogs and they said sure, so we stopped and I introduced
them and the dogs real quick.

I'd say Hercules made the biggest impression (Surprise). Lucy attracted Matt's
attention, he always wanted a Brittany and we talked about her when we got her. Lucy looked like she wanted to run, so I told Gina I'd take Lucy for a lap with the group and meet her back at the Northeast Corner of the park.

So I ran off with Lucy, pink leash in hand. She was trotting with the group, like it was normal. The guys made a few jokes and then we split at the usual corner. George, Chipman and myself went around the park with Lucy, the other guys did the bike path.
When I got to the end of the park at the meeting point Gina wasn't there and the clock was ticking on my meeting. George headed back to the Y and Chipman and I started another lap. He actually offered to take the dog and find them so I could get back, nice guy, but I couldn't do that.

I ran back to where they were before and they weren't there. Then I split with Chipman and headed through the middle of the park looking for them all around. 2 Ladies and 4 dogs are easy to spot (usually). I was starting to worry I might be in the park all afternoon looking for them, while my boss was at work fuming because I missed the 1:00 meeting.

I had never run on the middle grassy part, where the cemetery used to be. But you can see most of the park from there. I worked my way back to the original meeting corner and there they were. I handed off Lucy and looked at my watch. 20 minutes and it was a 10 minute run back to the Y.

They asked me to take a quick picture which I did and then I ran back
to the Y in 8 minutes, showered and made it to my 1:00 right on time.


Herculese, Lucy, Gina, Levi, Rosy, Lisa and Foster

At Cheesman Park

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Cherry Creek Bike Path - 6

Ran the cherry creek bike path today at lunch. 6 Miles, great day, temps in the 60's and sun. Ran in shorts and a tank top. What a difference a week makes.

Good group today, Jay, Craig C, Alicia, Tom, Scott and Me. Everyone split off, Craig, Alicia and I went down the bike path for 6. It was nice, a bit crowded with bikes and walkers.
One lady (rather large) yelled at Craig for not getting over when she said on your left and passed on a bike. Craig and Alicia yelled back. Funny

We saw Digger (the Rockies Mascot) on the way up the hill from the Y, as he was headed down. He pretended to run and then cowered in fear as we ran by, I gave him a high 5. That was a first.

Busy week at work this week. Lot of stuff going on, CEO, CTO and a VP in town for meetings. I could not get away yesterday and barely got out today (in fact I was late for a 1:00 meeting coming back from the Y). But it was good to get away and clear my head with a run and enjoy the day.

Hopefully I can get away over the next couple of days for at least a short run, since the weather is so nice.
6 Miles 49 minutes

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cherry Creek Park - 10 Mile out and Back

Ran a 10 mile out and back from my house to Cherry Creek State Park near the lake.

Got up to 60 today and sunny so 95% of the snow was melted off the sidewalks, streets and paths. A few bad spots where it is shady and some wet places, puddles and mud.

We ran later in the day. so it would melt/dry off the most. About 2:30, the day of the time change, so it gets dark around 5:30 now. The shadows and sunlight is different this time of day, this time of year.

Zach ran with me to about the 3 mile mark then turned back. We had an easy pace going, except when we had to slow down on the snow and ice. It was kinda fun.

I slowed down coming back up hill.

10 Miles 1:27

Garmin Data for Run

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Piney Creek Neighborhood - 5

Ran through the neighborhood on Saturday, Halloween. The sun came out and it warmed up so a lot of melting going on, on the sunny sidewalks and most of the streets it was clear by 2:00. So I did a late run. Took the dogs (Levi and Lucy) for a 2 mile loop. Then dropped off Levi (he was dragging) and took Lucy for another 3 miles. Went down to the Creek and checked out the path, it was thawing but very wet.

Lucy and I ran back through the neighborhoods, lots of people getting ready for halloween, decorating, going to parties, arriving at parties. Fun. Lucy loves to run, I'd like to take her on some longer runs and see how she does.

The sidewalks are wet, there are going to be a lot of wet kids in costumes tonight.

Garmin Watch Data

5 Miles 45 Minutes

Friday, October 30, 2009

Confluence Park - 6

Ran a 6 mile loop from the Y to the Cherry Creek path at Colfax, down to Confluence Park, then over past Eliches, to Mile High Bridge and back along the other side of the Platte to the Path. Different route from our usual group routes and not the duck pond which is the Friday usual.

Ran with Alicia and Matt. We chose that route because all the snow on the side streets and sidewalks and parks. I noticed the bike path was clear/plowed when I drove into work this morning.

Matt signed up for the Tuscon Marathon December 13th, so I was talking to him about his training schedule and goals. Only 6 weeks away, 2 long runs and a shorter taper.

It cloudy in the upper 30's when we started running, but the sun came out and it warmed up quick. I was comfortable in a short sleeve shirt and shorts (taking off my gloves and long sleeve shirt during the run).

6 Miles 50 Minutes.

Garmin Watch Data for Run

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Snow Days

2 days of snow in Denver. No run or workout. Worked from home.
Only workout was shoveling the drive about 3 times now.
Got about 2 feet at the house.

Getting Cabin Fever, hope it clears up and melts enough to get some decent weekend runs in.

Here's a picture of this year's Halloween Costume from Last weeks party.
Greg, Lisa (Rosy the dog), Braveheart (me) and Zach (lost his mustache).
Greg was Cesar (Dog Whisperer) and really has a broken ankle, not part of the costume.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cherry Creek Bike Path - 6

Ran the Cherry Creek Bike Path today with the group. Nice day but a storm is on the way, cloudy no sun.

Tom, Pete, Craig C, Alicia and I ran the bike path route. We had a brisk pace on the path. Slowed down once we got to Colfax. But then Tom, Pete and I sprinted that last hill up to the Y.

6 Miles 44 Minutes.

Forecasting a winter storm and a foot of snow over the next few days, not sure how much I can run the next couple of days. Tomorrow is an off day.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wash Park 7

Ran the 7 Miles with the Group at Lunch. Started with the group but it was just Tom, Jeff and I for the 7. The other half went to congress.

Weather was better today, in the 40's with Sun when we started, on the way up to 50. Long sleeve shirt with gloves and shorts to start, took the gloves off after a mile.

Nice pace. Saw Dave C, first run with him since St. George so I got to tell him my marathon story, with a happy ending for a change. Also Mary T at the Y, turns out she's ran Boston 2 years ago, she's a trainer and in great shape, but never would have guessed her as a marathon runner, much less someone who has done Boston.

Funny thing happened on the way back on 16th a few blocks away from the Y. This guy comes running from the side, older guy, in a broncos jacket. He runs across the street in front of us as we are coming down the bike lane. At first I thought he was just crossing the street before we got there, but his timing was off and he appeared to be drunk. He stopped right in front of Jeff and turned his back to him, like he wanted Jeff to plow into him. My response was "Wow Really" as we ran past. I told Jeff he should have taken the guy out, he said he thought about it.

Congratulations to Zach who ran the Marine Corps Memorial 5k with his aunt Lisa yesterday in Jeffco. Zach finished 5th overall and 3rd in his age group on a hilly course a couple of minutes off his PR of 19:04. He didn't win anything for his placement, but did win the nice Leather flag jacket (size large) in a raffle after the race.

Zach with his Jacket Prize in the Jeffco County Courthouse after the race.

Zach's Race Results

7 Miles 54 Minutes
Garmin Watch Data for Run

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mud Run with the Dogs

Worked at home today, since I got home so late. Still some snow in the shady areas in my part of town. Temps back up in the 50's and sun though.

Took the dogs (Lucy and Levi) down to the old Library and took them for a run through CC Park and the Dog Run area. They love it. Lucy just flies everywhere back and forth. At one point she flushed some pheasants from a brush. I'm not a hunter but if I was we'd be have pheasant for dinner because it was an easy shot for me from where she flushed them.

Levi trotted along. Not very crowded on a Friday at 1. Lucy jumped in the first mud puddle and layed down. I wore my trail shoes cause I knew it would be muddy from the snow melt and it was. Kinda fun though running through the trails and mud, flat. Dogs by my side. Great view of the Rockies. Running past the creek, the dogs went in and washed off all the mud and swam some. Easy run for me, easy pace and stopped to let the dogs stop play a lot. Only negative was Lucy got about 6 big burs in her hair and Gina and I had to cut them off of her when I got back.

Garmin data for mud run

4.5 Miles, 42 Minutes

4.5 Miles

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blogging from Dulles

Catching up my running blog from Dulles Airport. 9:10 on a Thursday night.
Busy week in Germantown, Maryland for work so not a lot of time to blog so here I am on my way back to Denver, at the Dulles airport, sitting at Gordon Biersch a microbrew in the D concourse with an hour to kill so I can catch up my blog....

The weather was really nice here the whole time, in the 70's.

No Run on Monday Traveled most of the day, got to the hotel and drove around a bit, found a cool park, black hill regional park. Picked up a trail map, looked like a great place to run if I could get away sometime this week when it was daylight. About 5 miles from the hotel.

Tuesday, I was going to run in the morning, but by the time the sun rose, I had to leave for work. I worked all day and had a meeting after my training class (which I was teaching), so my brain was fried. I got back to the hotel around 6 as the sun was setting and decided to squeeze in a 3 mile run around the Montgomery County Community college campus which is right next to the hotel. Felt like running farther, but the sun was setting and this was the best I could do. It was tough to get 3 miles in on the small campus, but I did a couple of laps.
There were a bunch of deer on the campus and the surrounding foreest, kinda cool. They had while furry tails and bigger than the Cherry Creek park deer I always see. You could see them in the meadows and woods all around. I took it easy running. There was this one 6 point buck deer that stood it's ground as a I ran by. He watched me real close. I thought for a second he might charge.

Garmin Data for Mont County Community College Hotel Run

Wednesday. Worked all day, but no meeting after. so I went back to hotel, changed and drove over to the Black Hill Regional Park. Got there about 5 and hit the trails. Great trails, thick lush forrest. Leaves are just starting to turn. Wide trails with some narrow roctky areas, but much easier than Denver. The altitude there was about 500 feet. It did have some rolling hills. I would really recommend this run for anyone who is running in the area. Great paths, really thick forrest. I took my sunglasses but never used them.

Garmin Data for Black Hill Trail Run

OK, my flight is boarding so I gotta go, back to Denver....

Flight was delayed an hour after I got on the plane. Sitting here blogging on the plane now. I didn't get to fisnish my

So the Black hill trail run was neat. It started getting sunset, so the woods were getting dark, but it was such a nice trail and I was in one of those running zones, where you can just run forever at a good pace and every step feels like you are in synch with the trail and can anticipate every rock. Ran up the hills like they were nothing and flew down the hills. Several bridge crossings, a lake, some road, creek. Sunset. It was just a nice run, no marathon soreness, stiffness. I only did about 9 miles. Messed up my garmin at the end so not sure total distance. but about an hour 15 or so.

Planes fixed about to take off now, get home at 1 am.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

11 Miles at CC Park

Ran through Cherry Creek Resevoir Sate Park (CC Park), later this morning. 10 ish. Got a late start, but the only hurry was too beat the heat. Forecast was for low 80's, in mid October, what a contrast from last weekend.

I wanted to do 10 easy. Ended up closer to 11. Wasn't sure where the 10 mile turn around was.
I ran from home, over by the old library, path all the way to the main road and then over toward the porta potti. I noticed at about 4 1/2 miles they had finished the trail improvements through the marshes there, so decided to take it back to check it out. Turns out it is really nice through to the bridge, the trail is wider and smooth with small gravel.

Went to the porta potti just past 5 miles across the little bridge, then tacked on some. Wasn't sure where the 10 mile turn around point was. I guess it is at the road crossing, cause I went all the way to dirt road before the Marina and that was too far.

Nice day, got warm on the way back, my pace dropped down on the hills coming back in the heat but that was fine. Not ready to push it, 2 weeks after a marathon. Just wanted to get some distance.

I thought about the Denver Marathon a lot, my big crash and burn last year and how low I was. Also thought about the 4 hour + Marathoners this year in the heat and how that hurts and the heat exaggerates it so much.

I'll be in Maryland (Germantown area) this week for work. Hope to get a couple of runs in this week on some trails there, I'll try to blog but it's going to be a busy week and trip.

Garmin Watch Data for Run

11 Miles 1:36:04

Friday, October 16, 2009

Duck Pond - 5 Miles

Ran the duck pond today. 6 Of us ran. First I've seen of Jay since Chicago. Was fun talking to him about his first marathon and the Chicago experience. Ran with Andre, first time in a while and Craig C, hadn't seen him in a while either.

Felt good, hamstrings not so sore, some spring in my legs.

Weather looks good for the weekend. Part of me wishes I was running the Denver Marathon on Sunday.

5 Miles 42 Minutes

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wash Park 7

Ran the Washington Park route, 7 miles today. It was a really nice day. Good group out today. Nobody ran the middle 3, but Scott picked up the tempo and left us in the dust at colfax. Alicia and Sharon joined us again and Alcia's friend Mark from Australia who is visiting.

Sharon was talking about a relay team she's putting together for next August From Utah to Wyoming. Looks like fun.

My hamstrings were sore from Yoga. The Pigeon Pose, lifting my back leg off, really made them both sore.

Tom, Craig and I went to the park at a good pace, everyone else turned off.

This was the day the Balloon Boy took off from Ft. Collins. I think it's a hoax.

7 Miles 54 Minutes.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Went to the Y and did Yoga today, Susan's class. Good class I just felt kinda out of it today.
I did some stretching, abs and jumped on a bike a bit before class.

Busy at work, getting ready for my trip to Maryland next week. Hope to get some running in, probably have to go in the morning. Near the Germantown area.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Congress Park - 5 Miles

Ran the congress park route today with the group at lunch. A big group today. 12 of us. Sharon and Alicia joined us too. Hadn't seen Sharon in a while, she's a really good runner who does a lot of multi sport events, duathlon and triathlon, trains with Alicia quite a bit.

It was a fun run. Good group, weather cleared just before the run, sun came out and it warmed up into the 50's. Crisp fall day with the leaves turning or falling, covering the ground. Feels good to run easy and for fun with no schedule or race on the horizon.

Lots of talk about the races this weekend and upcoming races for some (Matt), the Rockies, Broncos, politics a bit of everything from such a large group. My legs felt good today, no soreness, not quite 100%, but more spring in them.

5 Miles 42 Minutes.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Cross Train at the Y

Went to the Y at lunch and lifted weights and cross trained (rowing and biking). Stretched some and talked about the weekends races with some of the guys. Great Job everyone, summary of the results are posted over on the prostates site.

I looked at a Calendar today, and if I start training for "Reals" on January 4th, 2010 that would put me on a 15 week schdule to Boston 2010.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday Morning Dog Run

Ran with the dogs this morning. Lucy and Levi. Been a while since I ran with the dogs. They needed it, they've been going stir crazy in the house for a few days, everyone being busy and the bad weather.

Original plan was to drive down to the Old library and let them run free at the dog park with me for a few miles. I could not find my keys, thought Gina had them at work, but found them later in the bed??? I could not find the extra key or get ahold of Gina so I just ran from the house. Didn't want to go over 5 miles, so we stayed in the Piney Creek neighborhood. We ran over by the high school and on the practice fields then down by the club house and back home. Easy pace the whole way, I let them stop a few times and be dogs and do what dogs do.

It was in the 30's, but warming up and the sun came out just as we were finishing.

My left outer knee was kinda hurting. Felt like I tweaked it, but I haven't done anything to tweak it, so it must be a running hangover from the Marathon last week.

Oh, and the dogs were tired and mellow the rest of the day after the run.

5 Miles 43 Minutes

Friday, October 9, 2009

Duck Pond Easy 5

First run after marathon. 6 days off running.
Felt good to run again, but definately wanted something easy.
It was nicer today, sunny in the 50's.
Alicia joined me at the 7, nobody else ran today. We talked about my marathon and her races and upcoming training schedules.

Legs were dead and quads were tight and sore epecially around knees. Left heel hurt

Good Luck to the people racing this weekend.

Chicago Marathon - Jay, Jeff and maybe Matt
Long Beach Marathon - Mark

Kona Iron Man - Steve Cav

Moab other half - Bob B

And Zach who is running the Northglenn CC Meet at 3:15, on my way to watch him...

5 Miles 44 Minutes.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

More Post Marathon Recovery

Dreary Day in Denver today, good day NOT to start running again. Cold in the 30's and rain/snow mix.
I went to the Y, stretched, rowed and did some weights.
Talked to Jeff about Chicago. Could be snow for them on race.

I updated my St. George post below with thumbnail photos from the race that match the section of the course and some captions.

Weather is supposed to clear up and first recovery run tomorrow hopefully.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Post Marathon - Recovery Recap

As much as I hate to bump down the St. George Marathon Post. I'm behind in my blog and here's what I have done since the Marathon, recovery wise...

1) Not RUN!
2) Rest...
3) Celebrate...
4) Talk to other runners and friends about the race...
5) Cross Train at the Y, row, bike.
6) Massage
7) Yoga
8) Stretching

Here's a link to my St. George Marathon Photos.

And here's a recap...

Drove to Las Vegas early, could not sleep after Marathon. Tried to get an early flight back to Denver, but no go with Frontier. So sat at the Airport, drank a few beers and answered texts and phone calls from people about the Marathon.

Slept well, woke up sore but happy. Laid in bed and thought about the journey to get to Boston over the years and how now it was a reality. Went to the Denver Dallas Game with the family and met some friends from Albuquerque the Armillos. We dressed in our cowboy gear (Gina, Zach - Whitten, Brittany - Barber and me - Romo) and had great seats, lower level, not many stairs to go up and down (thank god). However the cowboys lost and we were taunted as we left. I still had a smile on my face though.

Back to work, although I could have taken the day off. I felt good, more sore than Sunday, but rested so I went to work, not wanting to get behind and save a vacation day for something more fun. Went to the Y at lunch and saw all the runners, got lots of congratulations from them and other Y people. A lot of them know the heartache I felt last year and Denver and the struggles I've had this year with injuries and disappointing races and how I wanted to qualify for Boston. Thanks Guys and Girls! Did a lot of stretching and hopped on the bike for a bit to loosen things up.

Went to the Y and Stretched, did some weights and also rowed and biked. Felt a lot better, only a few tight/sore spots. After work I met Greg from Oklahoma for a quick beer and then went to Tara for a massage. It was good to tell Tara some good news for a change. She took my last couple of race injuries (Moab and Mt. Evans) kinda hard. The massage was really good and she worked my calfs and quads. Definately recommend a post race massage a couple of days after the soreness to help push the toxins out.

Went to the Y, talked to Jay some about his first Marathon, Chicago on Sunday. Did some abs and stretching and talked to Jeff about his umpteenth marathon, also Chicago. Then went to Sharon's Yoga class. Great class, very challenging, stretched things out and got the blood flowing. Need to hydrate more I think to flush the rest of the Marathon toxins out, soreness is almost gone. I felt like I could have run easy today if I wanted to, especially because the weather is so nice today and supposed to turn nasty.

I am targeting Friday for my first post Marathon run. An easy 5 mile duck pond, that will be 6 days after the Marathon.

Jeff told me I should take a week off and 1 day off for every mile in a race before you go hard again. That's 26 days, I don't think I can wait that long.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

St. George Marathon - 3:19:24

I did it....Qualified for Boston and broke 3:30 and PR'd. I did not know I had a 3:19 in me though. That really feels good, so good to have something positive after all the training and running and injuries and disappointments of the year (as my blog can verify).

I really enjoyed the race, from the moment I crossed the start line to the finish, it was by far the most enjoyable marathon I've ever done. I never got to that extreme fatigue stage that I usually do and no Injuries or cramps. I got to say the 3 week taper and rest probably was the difference. Turns out the relay legs instead of a long run 3 weeks out worked out well too. Also running with the Garmin was a big help, I could constantly monitor my pace and speed up or slow down trying to stay between 7:30 and 8:00.

Pre Race...

I did not enjoy the pre-race. I tossed and turned the night before, filled with anxiety and worst case scenarios running through my head. I don't think I ever actually slept a wink. The alarm went off at 4:00 and I was up, thank god I did not have to lay there and worry any more, I think that is the worst part for me, the night before. I got on a bus around 4:45 and took it up to the start around 5:15 an hour and a half before the race. It was really hot on the bus, so I was peeling off layers and gloves, but nobody else was, so I thought, maybe I have a fever and am sick. Ha more anxiety. We get off the bus at the start and it's 33 degrees with 15 mph wind from the north. Cold! They set up bon fires every 20 feet or so and light them for runners to stay warm. Reminded me of a bunch of hobos around a fire, only about 100 different groups. I went in and out of the fire area when I got cold. I was shivering and thinking how my muscles would be tight and I would have a bad race. There was a cool announcer there who gave a lot of St. George marathon facts and kept us entertained. The porta potti lines got long and merged into the fire circles. I did not do a bag check, those lines were long too. Instead I wore old clothes and disgarded a layer before the race and during it. I took some gu 15 minutes before the start and went to the woods to use the bathroom. That was another weird circumstance, men and women in the woods peeing before the race, no shame because you gotta go before the race, kind of a bond that runners have with each other.

Pre Race Dawn, outside the Hobo Village Fires warming the runners

The Start...
I got in behind the 3:40 pace group, mainly because it was the easiest spot to get in, but also because I wanted to start slow. The race starts and it took about 4 minutes to cross the start, but could pretty much run at pace at the start. Unlike Dallas last year. It was dawn, so there was some light but not a lot, still cold, but it felt good to be running finally. People were tossing clothes to the side along the highway. Some people had plastic bags and were tearing them off and leaving them on the road, which was bad because runners were tripping over them and you could not see. A guy behind me started yelling out load to not leave the bags in the road. The 3:40 pacer had gotten ahead of me with the other runners entering the course from the sides. I caught him at about 2 miles. I missed the first mile split, but caught the 2nd one 15:42 perfect.

Miles 3 - 7
These miles roll down hill and it was getting light. I shed my headband and put my gloves in my pocket. I got into a good pace and felt good, easy to do this early in the race. I tried not to let my pace go faster than 7:30, keeping it under 8 was no problem at all. I knew there was an uphill section ahead, so I wanted to bank some time. I also wanted to catch the 3:30 pace group, who started way ahead of me. I finally caught them about mile 5 and ran along them for a while. They were doing about a 7:30 pace which surprised me, that fast that early. The guy said he was making up time for the slow start, when he got to mile 5, he said too fast and they slowed a bit and I pulled away. I thought. I better not see that guy again or I'm in trouble.
Each mile mark had porta pottis, a sign and a big Silver Star balloon so they were easy to spot from the distance. The Odd number mile markers from 3 on were also aid stations. The road is mainly straight so you can see pretty far ahead most of the way.
I was banking time with a sub 8 pace, that I might need later. As long as I didn't burn out or hurt something. I had a couple minutes above pace at the 7 mile mark.

Early in the race, after shedding a couple of layers.

Miles 7 - 13
Just past mile 7 there is a huge hill climb, the largest of the race for about 1/2 mile it is steep, not mt evans steep but steep. I was ready for it. Jill had run this race last year and told me about the course several times as we have run together over the year. I wanted to stay around 8:30 and average 8 over the mile. I passed a lot of people on the hill. Several people were walking it, which surprised me for the pace we were running. The altitude was around 5000 feet so it was great for me, maybe not for flat landers. When you get to the peak of the hill it dips down but continues to climb and dip through mile 13. So you give back 500 feet that you got from the first 7 miles. My pace was averaging 7:50 - 8:15 on those uphill miles, so I did not bank much extra.

Feeling good about half way through

Half way
At 13.1 I was at 1:42, only 3 minutes ahead of pace. The good news was the uphill was over and now there was a lot of downhill ahead. As it turned out I ran the 2nd half in 1:37 so a negative split by 5 minutes. I was confident I could do 3:30 if I did not get injured.

Since the road is closed, a lot of people put up signs on the road for family and friends, that was kinda neat. Also amazed at how much clothing was discarded along the way. I left a hoodie sweatshirt, a long sleeve shirt, gloves and a headband myself. At various points there are cross streets where fans would be to cheer. But for the most part it was just us runners. One thing I like about it is, only marathoners are running, not halfs or relays, so we were all doing the same thing.

Miles 13-20
This section was very pretty with some neat rock formations and contrast. This was also a fast section, my pace fell below 7:30 but I was holding it comfortably, trying not to go too fast. I met a lady Christie from Evergreen, she was very friendly and chatty. Her 2nd St. George. She was fast on the downhills and I would catch her on the uphills. I talked to her on and off as we met up with each other. As it turned out we finished within 2 seconds of each other on the chip. At the aid stations they were giving out icy hot in paper plates that you could grab as you ran through. I grabbed some and put it on my calfs as I ran, just in case. They also had Vaseline and nurses and medics, very good support. As were the water/gatorade with food and gel at some. I took gu at 5, 9, 15, 21, probably could have used one more at 23.

Chasing Christy from Evergreen, she was friendly, chatty and knew the course from running it before. We finished 3 seconds apart on the chip time.

Mile 20-23
I had heard from Jill and others that it really drops in elevation from mile 20-23. You can see St. George in the distance and know you are a 10k away. It got fast on this stretch for everyone, I tried not to let myself go too fast, but did not want to restrict my quads too much, they were starting to ache, as was my right knee, runners knee, I had some problems with it last winter. I was reminded of Denver, seeing all the runners cramp or come up lame. I was 8 minutes ahead of schedule with 6 left, so I started getting confident in reaching my goal, but cautious about an injury. One guy in particular I remember pulling up lame and cussing and stopping, I could feel his frustration, I had been there 1 year ago.

Fast Downhills after Mile 20, my feet hardly touched the ground.

Mile 23 - 25
These miles were fun, as the road flattened out some and you ran into town. Lots of spectators. It started to get a bit hot on the wide streets of St. George. I did these miles under 7:30. I started to back off and coast in and enjoy the last part without injury or worry, then realized I was within range of 3:20. My Nemesis from last year. Could I really break 3:20. If I held 7:30 for the last 2.2 miles, I could.

Getting Close in town, St. George, UT

The last mile seemed long, I felt slow and fatigue was setting in. I was ready to finish, but I was also excited. I was definitely on pace for a sub 3:20 and wanted it, even if I pulled up lame and had to walk across I decided to go for it. It seemed to take forever to get to the finish, a few turns and then a long stretch of about a half mile at the end. I could see the balloons, the crowd cheering. It was great. I always have calf cramps at the end of the marathon just before the finish. I tried to focus on my pace and legs, not to push too hard and cramp. Right at the very last, my right calf shot up with a cramp, about 20 feet from the finish. I pulled up and limped through, but the cramp died as soon as I stopped. I did it. 3:19:24. I was so happy. I just stood there kind of stunned. A medic asked me if I was OK, I said, "Yeah, I'm just stunned".

Home Stretch at St. George and Finish. Chip time 3:19:24

Post Race
I was so happy. I went through the shower/mist area to cool off and then headed to the post race. Nice post race area. Ice cream, food, soda, fruit. Runners only allowed. One guy was passed out there with a crowd around him. Scary, they ended up taking him away in an ambulance. I went to the results tent and they printed out a sticker with my time 3:19:24. I was so happy. I sat down and ate my ice cream and soaked up the sun and thought about the long journey it took me to get here and qualify for Boston.

Post Race Smiles - Felt so good to reach this goal!

I was stranded at the race, there was no shuttle back to the hotel that I could find and it was a mile and a half walk. I eventually started walking and regretted it. I hurt everywhere, quads, knee calfs, feet, blisters on my little toe. Miserable. I stumbled across a nice lady and her kids (5 of them) in a min van. She had just asked another guy walking if he wanted a ride and he said no. So I asked her for a ride to the holiday inn, she said OK and I got in (turns out she knew the other guy she offered a ride to). The van was full of kids, the mom said they were from salt lake. They were all so nice, asking me about my race and if I PR'd and qualified for Boston. Their dad had just run it. They dropped me off at my hotel and I could not wait to get a shower and send out text messages to family and friends about the race..

St. George Marathon 2009 Online Results

Garmin Watch Data for Marathon